LBI remains committed to safety and health by ensuring both a clean and mitigated hazard, work environment. We continue to maintain an exemplary record of construction safety and performance.Virtually all of our company’s prior construction projects have been executed while meeting government health and safety requirements and the primary reference document describing health and safety procedures for LBI is the USACE EM 385 1-1 Safety and Health Manual.

LBI is accustomed to developing and implementing site specific Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA). Each AHA is tailored to a Definable Feature of Work (DFOW) throughout the entire scope and duration of the project. LBI implements a policy that if any individual at any time feels uncomfortable with the task set before them, they are not to proceed and are to immediately speak with a supervisor to discuss a safe way of going about the task at hand. Moreover, LBI complies with all local, state and federal, safety and health requirements that apply per our contract. LBI posts all pertinent wage and labor law information in a commonly and readily available area at all of our job sites as well as our main office.
All projects are overseen by a specific Site Safety Health Officer, who is directly responsible for the implementation of the Site Specific, Accident Prevention Plan and AHA’s. The duties of said individual but are not limited to the following:
- Conducting daily safety and health inspections.
- Maintaining a written log which included area/operation inspected, date of inspection, identified hazards, recommended corrective actions, estimated and actual dates of corrections.
- Attaching safety inspection logs to the Contractors’ daily production and quality control report.
- Conducting mishap investigations and complete required reports. Maintaining the OSHA Form 300 and Daily Production reports for prime and subcontractors.
- Maintaining applicable safety reference material on the job site.
- Conducting daily “tailgate” safety meetings.
- Attending the pre-construction conference, pre-work meetings including preparatory inspection meeting, and periodic in-progress meetings.
- Implementing and enforcing accepted APPS and AHAs.
- Maintaining a safety and health deficiency tracking system that monitored outstanding deficiencies until resolution.
- Posting a list of unresolved safety and health deficiencies on the safety bulletin board.
- Ensuring subcontractor compliance with safety and health requirements.
- Performing safety and occupational health management, surveillance, inspections, and safety enforcement for the project.
- Performing as the safety and occupational health “competent person” as defined by USACE EM 385-1-1.
- To be on-site at all times whenever work or testing is being performed.
- Conducting and documenting safety inspections.